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»Star« front weight

Item #: SZBXXX200358

1200 kg/with three-point hitch Cat. 2 and 3/LED lighting package

Product illustrations are exemplary. Subject to change without notice.

»Star« front weight
1200 kg

We have developed our »Star« front weight to increase the safety of tractors on the road.

LED marker lights, reflective warning stickers and orientation poles contribute to recognition and visibility and ensure greater appreciation by other road users.

» Lockable tool tray with approx 240 l volume
» LED lighting package
» Safety marking
» External orientation poles

Technical details
» Three-point hitch: Cat. 2 and Cat. 3
» Width adjustment: 2.40 - 2.56 m (2.40 to 3.00 m on request)

» Painted in nova grey (individual colours optional)

Other designs and weights available on request!

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