0 0
Due to ever-increasing requirements in hydraulics, ever higher demands are placed on the pipe fittings. The hydraulic fittings from Fliegl are the right solution for this and guarantee a high degree of safety.
Unless otherwise specified, our fittings are supplied in galvanized finish. Cutting rings are always galvanized. All prices include union nut and cutting ring.

Dimension table for subsequent fittings

There are 3 different series:

  • Series LL:
    for compressed air, hydraulic return lines, propane, oil heating, automotive engineering, small refrigerating plants, apparatus construction, plastic lines etc.

  • Series L:
    like series LL but for greater mechanical stresses, compressed air lines etc.

  • Series S:
    heavy mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, mining, chemical industry, large refrigerating plants, pressure lines etc.

Determining the thread type of metric connections:

d2   = Outer thread diameter
d1   = union nut internal thread diameter
NWnominal width
SW  = key width

d2d1Outer pipe

Flank angle 60°(mm)(mm)light (L)heavy (S)
L / S
M 10 x 1108,95 LL–312 / -
M 12 x 1,51210,46 L–514 / -
M 14 x 1,51412,48 L6 S617 / 17
M 16 x 1,51614,410 L8 S819 / 19
M 18 x 1,51816,412 L10 S1022 / 22
M 20 x 1,52018,4– 12 S–24 / - 
M 22 x 1,52220,415 L14 S1227 / 27
M 24 x 1,52422,4–16 S–30 / -
M 26 x 1.52624,418 L–1632 / -
M 30 X 23028,4––25- /- 
M 36 x 23633,828 L25 S–42 / 46
M 38 x 1,53836,4––25- / - 
M 42 x 23839,8–30 S–50 / -
M 45 x 1,54543,4––32- / -
M45 x 24542,835 L––50 / -
M 52  1,55250,4––40

- / -

W52 x 25249,842 L38 S â€“- / - 

Determining the thread type of inch couplings:

First measure the external thread diameter d2 or the internal thread diameter of the union nut d1. Then establish the pitch or threads per inch (= 25.3 mm). You can then determine the thread type based on the tables:

Withworth »Standard«


ThreadStage number
Flank angle 55°/Zoll
R 1/8"289,78,6
R 1/4"1913,211,5
R 3/8"1916,714,9
R 1/2"1421,018,6
R 5/8"1422,920,6
R 3/4"1426,424,1
R 1" 1133,230,3
R 1 1/4"1141,939,0
R 1 1/2"1147,844,9
R 2"1159,656,7

ThreadStage numberd2d1
Flank angle 60°/Zoll
R 7/16"20 UNF11,09,9
R 1/2"20 UNF12,611,5
R 9/16"18 UNF14,112,9
R 5/8"18 UNF15,714,5
R 3/4"16 UNF18,917,5
R 7/8"14 UNF22,120,5
R 1/16"12 UN26,824,9
R 1/16"14 UNS26,825,2
R 5/16"12 UN33,131,3
R 5/8"12 UN41,139,2